Public Outreach and Informal Science Education (POISE)
Our POISE initiative aims to advance enthusiasm and support for NASA science among the general public; make the public aware of and interested in the intricacies of the Sun and our research; and help motivate and guide the next generation in STEM. POISE activities are tied to COFFIES’ BI efforts to enhance not only our own Center, but STEM fields generally. We make efforts to reach all populations in the United States to inspire the next generation to appreciate and pursue STEM careers.
Science On a Sphere (SOS)
Our POISE team is currently working with COFFIES researchers and others to translate COFFIES data sets into visualizations for NOAA’s Science on a Sphere (SOS) interactive projection system, which is used by education institutions around the country. COFFIES is uniquely suited to incorporate many assets for impactful SOS programming, and we will share our new SOS programs to the more than 70-member SOS User’s Collaborative Network, as well as via NASA’s Museum & Informal Education Alliance, a community comprising science centers, museums, and others sharing NASA information with their visitors. Stay tuned for more information on how you can engage with this new SOS programming at an informal science education center near you! NOTE: If you are a member of COFFIES and would like to get involved in our SOS program development, please contact Bryan Mendez.
Figure: SOS allows the public to engage with a projected 3D Sun and internal solar rotation cutaway.
Public Presentations
COFFIES members regularly give public presentations via various speaker series and other public events for scientific learning and engagement. Wherever possible, we try to make those presentations available to a larger audience via the COFFIES YouTube Channel. You can also look to see if any COFFIES members will be livestreaming and/or presenting at a venue near you, via our schedule of Events and Seminars.
POISE Team Members
ALL COFFIES members are expected to participate in POISE initiatives. The following people are proactive members of the POISE Team:
Bryan Mendez, Barista