Email: skorzennik at cfa dot edu
Phone: (617) 496-7916
Location: 60 Garden St, Cambridge MA 0138
Sylvain Korzennik (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian) has been studying the interior of the Sun using helioseismic techniques for the past three decades. His research interests and expertise focus on mode fitting, time distance and inverse methods, with a keen interest on estimating both statistical and systematic errors associated with data analysis as well as inverse methodologies.
Currently, he continues fitting the HMI and GONG observations, offering another set of mode parameters to those produced by the respective projects; he is also further developing inverse methodologies, with an emphasis on solutions that do not simply smooth the underlying profile; and he has been looking for acoustic precursors to emerging active regions. He is a member of the Dynamo and Helioseismology COFFIES teams. He has also dabbled in asteroseismology and exo-planet detection and serves as SAO’s HPC analyst.
Despite being Belgian, his favorite coffee roast is French; he has been known to be seen on sailboats or road bikes when he is not watching the America’s Cup or the Tour de France.
A Biased View on 20+ Years of Global Helioseismology - Aug 4 2020