Citizen Science: Collaborating with the world to understand the universe
Speaker: Dr. Pamela L. Gay
Nov 14, 2023 11:00 PST
COFFIES is supporting the Heliophysics Big Year! NASA’s Heliophysics Big Year (HBY) is a global celebration of solar science and the Sun’s influence on Earth and the entire solar system. The HBY began in October 2023 with the annular eclipse and lasts until December 2024 with the PSP Perihelion! Each month of the big year has a particular outreach theme, which you can find listed in this article.
While the theme for November is “Mission Fleet” (GO PUNCH!), COFFIES will not be having a December seminar, for which the HBY theme is “Citizen Science.” We are therefore bumping up our HBY-themed seminar in preparation for December!
It’s time to ask yourself “How can I make citizen science work for me?”
Ever since science became science, there have been too few researchers to measure, analyze, and work to understand the data being collected. Helping to speed the advance of our understanding have been volunteers who used personal time and resources to do all manner of necessary tasks. In this talk we look at how every day people made science possible through history in a growing number of ways, and look at how modern technology makes it possible for community scientists or citizen scientists to help in everything from data collection to data analysis. Special emphasis will be given to solar science applications and possible collaborations for future research.