The COFFIES Flux Transport and Emergence Theme: Connecting Models and Observational Data

Speaker: Bill Abbett & Aimee Norton

Mar 8, 2022 11:00 PST

We will give a brief overview of the COFFIES flux emergence theme, its goals and objectives, and projected milestones. We will briefly describe different physical scenarios of active region formation, evolution, and emergence, and discuss how observational data can be directly or indirectly used to distinguish between these ideas. We will then discuss several specific areas of research within two of the Phase 1 working groups: how direct incorporation of vector magnetogram data into surface models might be used to better understand magnetic connectivity through the surface and below, and how observational data can be used to distinguish between different physical mechanisms underlying the formation and evolution of delta-spots (energetic active regions that display a non-Hale orientation where both positive and negative magnetic polarity umbrae exist within a shared penumbra).

Watch the recording.