COFFIES Community Workshop - FT&E

COFFIES Theme Workshop on the Flux Transport & Emergence (FT&E)

The COFFIES DRIVE Science Center is pleased to announce our first science-theme oriented virtual workshops on the first three Fridays of October. We aim to understand the solar cycle as the Consequence of Fields and Flows in the Interior and Exterior of the Sun (COFFIES). We welcome community participation in the discussions of science related to the Near-Surface Shear Layer (NSSL), the Tachocline, and Flux Transport & Emergence (FT&E). Zoom meetings will begin at 9 am PT on October 7, 14, and 21. Each session will review current understanding and provide time for brief contributed presentations.

We hope to include the greater solar physics community in our efforts to observe and model the physics of the generation, storage, and subsequent emergence of magnetic flux from the Sun’s deep interior to its visible surface. This workshop will be the first in a series of topical discussions with the goal of facilitating multidisciplinary collaboration and interaction between researchers interested in how the physics of magnetic flux transport through the solar interior and across the visible surface influences our understanding of the observed properties of the solar cycle dynamo.

We encourage participation with short contributions discussing new results and ideas, for observations and models, that may lead to a comprehensive view of flux emergence and transport, and its relevance for the solar dynamo.

Please send contributions to the FT&E Theme Baristas: Bill Abbett and Aimee Norton.

Workshop Agenda

Time (PT) Topic
09:00 Welcome and Introduction
Bill Abbett (UC Berkeley) & Aimee Norton (Stanford)
09:15 Invited Talk
A Consequence of Flux Transport and Emergence: Non-linear and Stochastic Mechanisms in Solar Cycle Modulation
Jie Jiang (Beihang University, China)
9:45 Open Discussion:
Suggested Topic: Observable Consequences at the Surface from Dynamics at Depth (Helicity, Rossby Waves, etc.)
Moderator: Aimee Norton
10:15 Invited Talk
The Rise of Magnetic Structures in the Convection Zone: Assessing the Flux Tube Paradigm
Maria Weber (Delta State University)
10:45 15-MIN BREAK
11:00 Invited Talk
Buoyancy of Magnetic Bubbles in Global Simulations
Gustavo Guerrero (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil)
11:30 Open Discussion:
Suggested Topic: Understanding the Large-Scale Structure of Magnetic Fields as they Emerge through the Convection Zone
Moderators: Aimee Norton & Bill Abbett
13:00 Invited Talk
From Flux Emergence to Sunspots - Recent Insights from Modeling and Observations
Matthias Rempel (High Altitude Observatory)
13:30 Open Discussion:
Suggested Topic: Modeling Distinct Regions of the Sun at Disparate Scales
Moderator: Bill Abbett
14:00 Invited Talk
Global-Scale Models of Evolving Photospheric Magnetic Fields
Marc DeRosa (Lockheed Martin)
14:30 Open Discussion
Moderators: Bill Abbett & Aimee Norton
15:00 Adjourn
The FT&E Theme Baristas would like to thank the invited speakers, as well as all the workshop attendees for their participation. Particularly, thanks to those who contributed suggested discussion topics.