Opportunities for Undergraduates

Are you an undergraduate student interested in heliophysics (at any level)? COFFIES is looking to build a new community platform for such students so they can ask questions to experts, get support/training, connect to one another, and receive news about helio-related student opportunities. But first we want your help in crafting this new communication tool, and ask that you take just a few minutes to fill out the very brief feedback form here. PLEASE NOTE: If you have questions about our intentions, the feedback form, or COFFIES undergraduate initiatives in general, please contact Komal Kaur at komalkaur@berkeley.edu.

COFFIES is dedicated to providing undergraduates with authentic research experiences to spark their interest in STEM; increase their understanding of modern research methodologies and practices; inspire and support their higher education trajectories; and help them cultivate a sense of possible self that includes rewarding positions in solar and space science research, as well as other related academia and industry careers. In order to help meet these objectives, we are gathering and advertising here undergraduate opportunities that are tied to COFFIES’ vision and mission in some way, as well as to the other NASA heliophysics DRIVE Science Centers.

NOTE: If you know of a heliophysics-connected undergraduate opportunity not listed here, please contact Dan Zevin.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

For many years now, the National Science Foundation’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program has connected undergraduates with a research mentor and/or team in their chosen field via a 7-10 week, paid, hands-on, summer work experience. Students not only conduct a research project from start to finish during this time, but they also have opportunities to gain professional skills (such as communicating science concepts effectively), network with other students and researchers, and attend major research conferences (such as the American Geophysical Union’s annual fall meeting). Most students who participate say they found their the REU experience extremely worthwhile.


Undergraduate students from any college or university are encouraged to apply to the summer REU programs taking place at the following COFFIES member institutions. Be sure to apply by the deadline indicated for each!

Some REU programs have very specific eligibility requirements, thus please check the enrollment requirements of each opportunity carefully.

Although not directly connected to COFFIES, the following REU programs also often offer solar and/or space science related research opportunities:

Internships and Other Opportunities for Undergraduates

In addition to REU programs, some COFFIES member institutions also offer internships and other summer opportunities for undergraduate students. Here are the ones we know of at this time:

Although not directly connected to COFFIES, the following internship and other similar opportunities may also be of interest!

Summer Schools

Similar to REU programs and internships, research-focused summer schools offer extended training opportunities for STEM-minded students. Here are a few with connections to solar and/or space science research:

Scientific Meetings, Conferences, and Workshops

Attending scientific meetings, conferences, and workshops can be a great way to network and connect with researchers and others who may be able to offer opportunities for undergraduates. Many undergraduates also present their research projects for the first time at such gatherings. Below is a list of some of our favorites! The Solar & Heliospheric Observatory Mission also maintains a calendar of such events on their website here. Others in the solar/heliophysics community maintain a similar Google calendar here.

Current and Former COFFIES-Associated REU Students

Undergraduate Education Team Members

ALL COFFIES members are expected to participate in initiatives that support and/or provide undergraduate education opportunities. The following people are organizing members of the undergraduate education team: