We invite all to use our public ADS Library of COFFIES Publications, where the most up-to-date references can be found. COFFIES Members, please notify the CET of any publications acknowledging COFFIES that may be missing from the library.

To acknowledging the COFFIES collaboration in your publications, please include the following statement in your acknowledgments section:

This work was done in collaboration with the COFFIES DRIVE Science Center.

If the work was directly supported by COFFIES funding, please include the COFFIES Cooperative Agreement number in the following statement:

This work was supported [in part] by the COFFIES DSC Cooperative Agreement 80NSSC22M0162.


* Denotes leveraged work – no direct COFFIES funding

Select Posters and Presentations

NSBP Meeting 2023

SPD Meeting 2023

AGU Fall Meeting 2022

SPD Meeting 2023

SHINE Meeting 2022

AGU Fall Meeting 2021

AAS Spring Meeting 2021

AGU Fall Meeting 2020

SPD Meeting 2020